
GoodBye 2017 Welcome 2018

As this year winds down for us, I’m reflecting on all of the good things that have happened to me in 2017. For me 2017 was the year I’ve expanded my news business and dog service. In 2017 I’ve come along with my yoga practice (especially my balancing poses). 2017 has taught me to stay true to myself and this year alone I have gained more confidence with my public speaking.  2017 has also taught me to always  Follow your Dreams and Passion! As 2018 begins tomorrow here’s to 12 New Chapters and to taken 365 Chances. In 2018 for me it’s going to be a year of new challenges and to moving more out of my comfort zone. This will be hard at first because I don’t like change but once I get there it will be better. Here’s to a New Year of Never Giving UP! and trying new challenges.  Wishing everyone a healthy and prosperous 2018!

Yoga Series for Weeks 4 &5

 Hello Everyone,  Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and a few days off to rest. It's been a couple of weeks since I updated about the yoga series I've been taking over the past 5 weeks. On Monday November 27th during my private yoga lesson since I missed week's 4 yoga lesson on new poses I did that lesson yesterday for my private class. The new poses yoga class was working on some new yoga poses ones I haven't heard of or done before. An new poses I did yesterday was a bank bend stretch while using a block for support to make the yoga stretch a little deeper.  Loved learning new poses and the benefits of the poses and yoga. Yoga brings you into the present moment where it's the only place you need to be for the hour. The lesson ended with a nice relaxed mediation by listening to the sound of the beach and the ocean waves. Week 5- Yoga Poses for Wellness-  During this class lesson last night we worked on yoga poses that help to boost our immune syste

Reflecting on What I'm Thankful For

Welcome Everyone, With Thanksgiving right around the corner it has me thinking of what I’m thankful for. I’m very thankful for my family, friends and people that support me.  This year I’m also thankful for the new opportunities I was given during this past year such as expanding my dog sitting going from dog sitting smaller dogs to big dogs which I absolutely Love dog sitting. I’m so grateful for my EG/Warwick News and the followers I have gained, like to help keep the public in the know of what’s happening. Another thing I’m grateful for this year is how far I’ve come with my yoga practice. Before starting yoga I was a little of scared of getting on the mat because I never thought I could do some of the yoga practice. With the help of my yoga classes and teacher I have come along away and it has made me a better person.   I’m Very Thankful for everyone in my life! Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

Week 3 Yoga Series Stretching a bit Deeper

Hi All,  Hope you all are having a great Tuesday. Last night on Monday my night started off with my private yoga lesson where I worked on poses for better posture, amazing lesson. Then I went to the Gentle Flow yoga class. After that I attended the third yoga series Stretching a bit Deeper. This is the 3rd class out of the 6 week series about yoga. Completed 3 yoga classes in one night broke my record! My insight on last night's yoga lesson for week 3 we worked on poses that helped us to lengthen and stretch out the body. The class started off with a centering and working with the breath and counting into five then releasing the breath at 5 or longer. By doing this breathing the yoga teacher said it helps to calm down the nervous system. When we got stared with class after the warm-up we went over about 25 poses even worked with tennis balls to do some handwork. During last night’s yoga class for stretching a bit deeper we had to hold some of the poses for longer periods, wh

Week 2 of Yoga Series - Breathing Exercises and Stretching

Hi Everyone, Hope Monday is off to a great start for everyone. Tonight  was the second lesson of the 6 week introduction to yoga classes that I'm taking. Last week I told you about the first yoga session where we learned about the basics of yoga. Tonight for the second series we learned about breathing and how to breathe when we need energy or when we are in stressful situation.  The breathing helps tremendously! We also worked on some basic balance poses. Love this slow place class because I'm getting a better understanding of how to do the yoga poses and fix what I need to adjust while in the pose.  The yoga teacher went over the benefits of yoga such as how it helps, physically and emotionally. Another  benefit that yoga has it helps to build muscle strength in our bodies. Yoga is a place where you let go of what's going and do something to make you feel better. Credit: Yoga with Brenda   Thanks For Reading * Bethany

Week 1 of Beginner Yoga Series

On Monday nights I have started taking a six week beginner introduction to yoga class series that  at Yoga With Brenda is offering. The first class lesson on Monday night was all about the foundations of Yoga and going over the kind of yoga it is. Also during the yoga class that night we worked on poses that helped to lengthen and stretch the our entire body and took it slow. This 6 week introduction to yoga series is good for new or advanced yogi's, this way you can know if you are doing the poses correctly. I'm looking forward to next  Monday class lesson where we will learn about breathing and stretching exercises. Thanks for reading -Bethany 

Yoga for the First Time- Year in Review

A year ago today on May 26 th ’2016, I started something brand new for the first time and that was yoga! Last year the first yoga class I took was at Laughing Elephant Yoga and the class   “Basic Yoga Beginner”. When starting out I didn’t know what to expect from a yoga class or if I would even like it, but boy was I wrong I have fallen in love with yoga and enjoy learning new yoga poses, like downward dog, tree pose, and warrior poses. These days I try to do yoga at least 3 times a week if I’m lucky either at Yoga with Brenda or at Laughing Elephant. So far Yoga has taught me to unplug for an hour or so and have time for me and unplugging for me is hard when you're in the media. The Yoga has also challenged me in many different ways it has helped me come out of my comfort zone and over the past year I have meet many new amazing people that I practice with. Some of the yoga classes I have taken are Basic Yoga  Beginner, Gentle flow, Funky flow, Strong