Week 3 Yoga Series Stretching a bit Deeper

Hi All, 

Hope you all are having a great Tuesday. Last night on Monday my night started off with my private yoga lesson where I worked on poses for better posture, amazing lesson. Then I went to the Gentle Flow yoga class. After that I attended the third yoga series Stretching a bit Deeper. This is the 3rd class out of the 6 week series about yoga. Completed 3 yoga classes in one night broke my record!

My insight on last night's yoga lesson for week 3 we worked on poses that helped us to lengthen and stretch out the body. The class started off with a centering and working with the breath and counting into five then releasing the breath at 5 or longer. By doing this breathing the yoga teacher said it helps to calm down the nervous system. When we got stared with class after the warm-up we went over about 25 poses even worked with tennis balls to do some handwork. During last night’s yoga class for stretching a bit deeper we had to hold some of the poses for longer periods, which helps to build muscle. The poses where held them longer were in warrior 2 and the balance poses. In class last night the yoga poses we did were tree and stalk pose. What I’ve learned so far is that balance is different day to day and side to side. I find that I’m stronger on my right side than my left.

The class ended with a nice relaxing mediation!

Have a great day!
Thanks For Reading


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