Never Give UP
Hi Everyone, Welcome back to the BethanyThinggoes blog, first blog post for 2017. It's been a while since blogged, but now I’m now back to blogging. For this blog post I’m going to share with you how I got to where I am today! First off, I’m going to go back but not that far back. I’m going to take you back to 2002 when I started High School, I would be lying if said High School was easy, but it wasn’t it was a struggle for me. The reason why school was always a struggle for me was because I had to overcome challenges with my learning disability and take more time to understand the work. Now of days I’m not ashamed to share with you that while in school I was always in the small group settings and always had an IEP. The small group environment was better for me to learn the work. During my time in High School there were moments when I wanted to quit; the reason why I didn’t quit was because I had a wonderful support system from my parents and family. A...