
Showing posts from December, 2017

GoodBye 2017 Welcome 2018

As this year winds down for us, I’m reflecting on all of the good things that have happened to me in 2017. For me 2017 was the year I’ve expanded my news business and dog service. In 2017 I’ve come along with my yoga practice (especially my balancing poses). 2017 has taught me to stay true to myself and this year alone I have gained more confidence with my public speaking.  2017 has also taught me to always  Follow your Dreams and Passion! As 2018 begins tomorrow here’s to 12 New Chapters and to taken 365 Chances. In 2018 for me it’s going to be a year of new challenges and to moving more out of my comfort zone. This will be hard at first because I don’t like change but once I get there it will be better. Here’s to a New Year of Never Giving UP! and trying new challenges.  Wishing everyone a healthy and prosperous 2018!